Monday, January 31, 2011

Wrapping Up Week 4

The second half of week 4 went smoothly... ish. Wrote Thursday and Saturday, but not Friday or Sunday. I knew I wouldn't write Friday (see revised schedule from a previous entry). Somehow I also don't feel bad about Sunday, because Double XP Weekend on City of Heroes took precedent this time out. (My Scrapper is FINALLY level 48 -- just two more til I hit that cap!) Final week 4 tally? 5/6.

Oh, and this check-in is late. Again.

Today, motivation was particularly low, but I did manage to get my word count in -- with thirty minutes to spare before the date switches over. Not sure where I found it, either. Chalk it up to refusal to quit? (Yes, this should be part of Wednesday's check-in, but I may not remember it then.)

The January 30 Check-In Blog Hop

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