Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Check-In: Week Two, Part I

The Goal:
Average 334-ish words per day each week. (It's 1,000 words every 3 days, which -- counting the six days that happened before ROW80 began -- makes my 10,000 word Camp NaNo goal.)

My current word count for the month is 6,214 words. My Monday and Wednesday writing sessions were successful, and I'm good through the 18th. My next "milestone" of 1,000 needs to happen by the 21st, which (coincidentally) happens to be a writing session day.

Don't tell the not-writer in me, but there's a good chance I will sit down to write before then, too. Shhh.

Blog-Hop around to see how everyone else is doing, won't you?

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you're doing well on your goals. You're on track!

    *whispers* I won't tell not-writer.
